This post has had nearly 130,000 views on another platform. Here it is in an expanded format. Enjoy! HOW TO WRITE A LOVE LETTER Simple steps inspired by iconic love letters Does this thought of writing a love letter leave you feeling more anxious than amorous? Don’t worry!
Exercise Before You Start Research shows that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can immediately boost brain connectivity and creativity, including divergent and convergent thinking. Whether you’re solving problems or brainstorming fresh possibilities, begin your New Year’s planning session with some physical activity. Brew A Cuppa Black and green
♥The highest compliment anyone can pay is to ask for your recipe. They want to recreate your results. Live your life so that by the end, everyone wants your recipe. ♥Put your name on your dish. What you write on the label determines where the dish ends up. In life,
A Thanksgiving meditation for you, from this writer currently baking pumpkin pies in Georgia… Before we begin, brace yourself for a shocking revelation. The canned “pumpkin” sold in the stores is a different vegetable than the orange pumpkins sold in the produce department. Growers raise specialty squash grown just for
It’s peach growing season here in North Georgia, although if you remember my video from last season, you know that the most important work happens in winter. Before anyone knows anything green is going to sprout. Life is like that…we have to work when everything looks flat and dead. If
“God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.” Augustine This morning I listened to a professor from Oxford ask the question, “Can anything new be written about Jesus?” He didn’t wait for a reply, presumably because there could be none, but I wanted to shout
As I read the incredible article below, I couldn’t help but reflect on a scripture that’s been on my mind all week: “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of Jesus.” Acts 4 May it be. And now, enjoy this amazing article from
Ready to create your own Meditation-To-Go basket? Now more than ever, we need to seize every chance we have to recharge our emotional batteries. But if your living situation has gotten complicated by the current crisis, having a meditation basket that you can grab and take anywhere is a big
[wonderplugin_video videotype=”mp4″ mp4=”” webm=”” poster=”” lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle=”” lightboxgroup=”” lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage=”” lightboxoptions=”” videowidth=600 videoheight=400 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss=”position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” playbutton=””] “Do good and do not forget to share what you have.” -Hebrews 13:16Daily Action Plan: Every day, there are three core practices I use to
I am a woman obsessed with pearls. Delicate and hypnotic, I love to watch the way each one catches the light, reflecting a soft, ethereal glow. Here are the top three reasons why everyone should be obsessed with pearls. First, they symbolize the secrets of the heart: hidden wisdom, the