I read a fantastic story recently and I am not sure it’s true. But like the great southern philosopher Reese Witherspoon says, “It doesn’t have to be true to be told.” Join me, if you will, in outer space. One of the early NASA missions. The crew was working in
This post has had nearly 130,000 views on another platform. Here it is in an expanded format. Enjoy! HOW TO WRITE A LOVE LETTER Simple steps inspired by iconic love letters Does this thought of writing a love letter leave you feeling more anxious than amorous? Don’t worry!
Exercise Before You Start Research shows that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can immediately boost brain connectivity and creativity, including divergent and convergent thinking. Whether you’re solving problems or brainstorming fresh possibilities, begin your New Year’s planning session with some physical activity. Brew A Cuppa Black and green
♥The highest compliment anyone can pay is to ask for your recipe. They want to recreate your results. Live your life so that by the end, everyone wants your recipe. ♥Put your name on your dish. What you write on the label determines where the dish ends up. In life,
Are you a highly creative person, with multiple talents? Here is how you can discern between your talents and your calling. Today’s post offers a template to discover which of your talents may be your true calling. This will give you a level of passion and focus that will bring
Today, I want to talk about something crucial for all of us working in nonprofits or ministries: the power of storytelling. If you have a passion for making a positive impact in the world, you have a story to tell about why you do what you do. But do you